Jun Futamata
Singer / Composer / Lyrics
「東京マラソン」公式テーマ、TVアニメ「ポケットモンスター」「僕のヒーローアカデミア」「スター☆トゥインクルプリキュア」「盾の勇者の成り上がり」、NHK「サイエンス ZERO−OP・EDテー マ」、映画「やがて海へと届く−テーマ」「アイの歌声を聴かせて」「パラダイス・キス」「なのに、千輝くんが甘すぎる。」、ドラマ「ブラッシュアップライフ」「転職の魔王様−テーマ」「緊急取調室」「僕のいた時間」ディズニープラス「ワンダーハッチ−テーマ」などの劇伴歌唱、ゲーム「スクールガールストライカーズ2−EDテーマソング」「ジャックジャンヌ」、「ディズニー」公式カバーアルバムに抜擢される他、「ヤマザキ春のパン祭り」「ピザハット」「東京都」「三菱自動車」「三井不動産」「IBM」「MAZDA」などのCM、J-wave、TokyoFM、FM横浜、JFNのラジオジングル歌唱など、数々のプロジェクトに起用される。
参加作品がオリコンチャート1位、iTunes 総合チャート1位、ダンスチャートで6週連続1位を記録するなど、多方面でその歌声を評価される。
iTunes ニューエイジチャートで1位を獲得。
2024年2月、「FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH」にて編曲・歌唱で参加。
She expresses a one-of-a-kind sound world with her innocent and clear voice and her unique compositional style that builds on layers of voices.
She studied bebop method and improvisation based on chord progression in New York. At the same time, she repeatedly had improvisation sessions with talented musicians at a jazz club in New York.
Since returning to Japan, she has sung vocals, chorus and chorus arrangements for TV commercials and many major artists' works. Her fragile voice and excellent chorus work have been well received by audiences.
She has sung the TV animation series "Pokémon", "Star Twinkle Pretty Cure", the official "Disney" cover albums, the official theme song for the "Tokyo Marathon" one of the world's three major marathons, the theme song for Japan National Broadcasting Corporation's "Science ZERO", the movies "One Day You Will Reach the Sea", "Sing a Bit of Harmony", "Paradise Kiss" and the TV series "Brush up life", "Emergency Interrogation Room", "The Hours of My Life".
She has also been featured in numerous projects, including corporate commercials for "Tokyo Promotion Video" which is Airing on CNN International,National Geographic Channel, CBS and CNN/US, "Pizza Hut", "L’OCCITANE", "BANDAI" and "Mitsui Real Estate" as well as singing radio jingles for "J-wave", "TokyoFM", "FM Yokohama" and "Japan FM Network".
Her voice has been highly acclaimed in many aspects, including her participation in the Oricon Chart No.1, iTunes Chart No.1, and Dance Chart No.1 for 6 weeks in a row.
In 2021, she released her first collection of works as a solo artist, "GRAVITY" which reached No.1 on the iTunes New Age Chart.
In addition to participating as a performer in the "International Art Festival SACP", she is active in many other fields, including the " trailer movie for the "SonyPark Exhibition" in Ginza, Tokyo, fashion shows, and installation musics.
In January 2023, she was in charge of the soundtrack for the TV anime series "REVENGER" (director: Masaya Fujimori, original story: Gen Urobuchi).
She also will release her second album recorded in Iceland, the place where her inspiration originated.
In February 2024, her second album, "When Your Bones Turn Into Opal" is released.
Her latest work, which attracts a wide range of listeners from classical, ambient, and contemporary music to environmental music, minimal, post-classical, and electronica, is highly anticipated.